I took this picture of the ocean view by our house. It looks like God is shining his light down thru the clouds!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

i took the kids to capistrano beach a week or so ago. we didnt have our swimsuits so we hiked up our jeans and played in the water for awhile. it was such a gorgeous day! unlike today:( its rainy, cold and windy and to top it off my moms visiting! she's been wanting to go to the beach but the weather has sucked so far since she's been here! hopefully tomorrow or sometime before she leaves i can take her here.
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i absolutely LOVE my mom and my sisters!!! they mean the world to me and im so lucky to have all of them in my life! i cant wait to see them this friday in las vegas at my brother craigs wedding! its very rare to get our whole family together all at once! my awesome bros will be there too along with my gorgeous sister-in-law tiff and my new sister-in-law rosie:) craig and rosie are getting married on saturday, april 17th. im so happy for them! we're all gonna have a BLAST!!!!

the beautiful girls in my family!

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

please no "i told you so"

well it happened...chris and i broke up and its for good this time. i moved out here to give it one last shot since we had so many problems in vegas. i thought it would be a fresh start and we would end up getting married this year or next. but it didnt happen that way. and im fine with that. i can at least say i tried everything to make it work and we're not meant for eachother. but please to my family and friends that told me not to move out here, please please please dont lecture me or tell me "i told you so." i dont need to hear it. just keep me and the kids in your prayers that everything will turn out the way its supposed to. i need as much support as i can get right now. i also dont want to hear "you'll end up back with him" because thats not going to happen. God has great things for me, destiny and damon. i have all faith in him that we'll be ok...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


i just experienced my first earthquake! it was crazy! a 6.9 magnitude in Mexicali which is pretty close to San Diego. it lasted for 12 seconds with a rolling affect. i hear that's pretty long! it felt like i was on a roller coaster! chris had me and the kids stand under a doorway until the shaking stopped. it was so weird! this is pics from the news...
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life..."
John 3:16


today is the day to thank God for sacraficing his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross so we can be forgiven of our sins and continue having a close relationship with the Lord. He was then ressurected and risen from the dead! how amazing is that!? all God wants is for us to love him, believe in him, and have a relationship with him so we can be with him again...happy easter everyone:)

Friday, April 2, 2010


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my big bro craig and my soon-to-be sister in law rosie came out to visit! it was super fun:) we went to the beach and collected some sea shells, took some pics and enjoyed the scenery. it was so much fun having them here! they are getting married in 2 weeks and rosie asked me to be her maid of honor! im super excited! she is so cute and little! its funny seeing them stand next to eachother cuz craig is so big compared to her:) i didnt realize how much i miss my bro since i moved here:( we're really close and it was a lot harder than i thought leaving him back in vegas. but he's got a good woman takin care of him so it makes me feel better! the kids had a blast with their uncle craig and aunt rosie! they love them so much! i miss them already...
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footprints in the sand

footprints in the sand
i love taking cool pictures of the ocean, flowers, birds, etc. one of these days ill buy a better camera and make a hobby out of it! just like my little sister jessica, although she's a lot better than me! but i took this picture of my own footprints and it reminded me of that cool story about jesus and the footprints in the sand. it goes like this...

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you."
Mary Stevenson